Trenbolone mix


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    ALTERNATIVE STEROID NAMES: Trenbolone Acetate, Trenabol 75, Trenabol, Trenabolic, Finaplix, Finajet.
    ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Trenbolone Acetate,Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Trenbolone Enanthate 300mg/ml 10 ml
    Strength Gains: @@@@@@@@@@
    Mass & Weight Gains: @@@@@@@@@@
    Fat Burning: @@@@@@@
    Cutting/Definition: @@@@@@@
    Side Effects: @@@@@@@@
    Ability to keep Gains: @@@@
    Usual dosages: 300 – 900 mg per week
    Detection time: 4 – 5 months
    Best combined with:
    Bulking: Deca-Durabolin, Equipoise, testosterone, Anadrol, Dianabol.
    Cutting: Winstrol, Primobolan,
    Beginner Use: @@@
    Female Use: @
    Pros: Good mass/strength gains, good definition and fat loss.
    Cons: Fast testosterone production suppression, Side effects.


    Pharmaceutical Name: trenbolone

    Chemical Structure: 17ß-hydroxestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one

    Effective Dose: 600-900 mg/week

    Trenbolone Blend:
    Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml
    Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 100 mg/ml
    Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg/ml

    There are numerous forms and types of anabolic androgenic steroids and within each one there are often many variations, testosterone being a prime example of a hormone with many faces. Each and every anabolic steroid can serve a primary purpose and will generally carry with it a few secondary qualities and the degree of each just like the steroids themselves can be quite varied. Of all the steroids we can discuss, from mild to strong, powerful and weak you’d be hard pressed to find a more exciting one than Trenbolone and of the various Trenbolone forms there is none more exciting than Trenbolone-Acetate. In-fact, if we were to label any anabolic androgenic steroid the perfectsteroid, side-effects aside it would undoubtedly be Trenbolone.

    Like most anabolic steroids Trenbolone’s original intent was not performance enhancement but for the purpose of beefing up livestock and through this desire the hormone was born in the form of Finaplix (Fina) a subcutaneous implant that contained the hormone to be used in cattle. As you can easily see from its original intent, if the hormone was good for bulking up cattle it would be good for the same purpose in a human being and it was during the Golden Age of bodybuilding that it quickly rose to fame and popularity. However, it would not simply be Trenbolone’s raw bulking power that made it so popular but its true versatility, as it would prove to be and still to this day the most versatileanabolic androgenic steroid on the market. Most anabolic steroids serve a primary purpose, for example, they are primarily more efficient in bulking or in the dieting phase but most carry other traits suitable in a secondary nature for the other; there are very few anabolic steroids we would aptly label as pure bulkers or cutters. This is one of the things that make Trenbolone a little more special as it is equally efficient and effective for either type of cycle.


    Trenbolone-Mix is a very powerful anabolic and androgenic steroidal hormone, so powerful it is 500 times more anabolic than testosterone as well as 500 times more androgenic; with this simple bit of knowledge we could stop right there and that would be enough to give you understanding of its true power. To understand the hormone a little more clearly we really only need to understand two things; the Trenbolone hormone and how the Acetate ester affects it and by this understanding there will be no doubt, it is the most powerfully amazing steroid of all time.

    Trenbolone exists by its structural alteration at the 19th position; simply meaning, the testosterone molecule has been altered at this point effectively making Trenbolone a 19-nor class anabolic steroid. By way of this alteration, like Testosterone, by its direct mode of action Trenbolone dramatically increases IGF-1 output but to a far greater degree than testosterone. As you understand IGF-1 is a very powerful anabolic hormone produced in all human beings and its role is so important it affects nearly every cell within the human body. In the case of Trenbolone, as it will cause massive amounts of IGF-1 to be released it will also firmly bind to the androgen receptors which in-turn greatly promotes both fat-loss and promotes growth. As you again understand most anabolic steroids have a positive impact on the metabolism and fat burning but in the case of Trenbolone this is one of the fewanabolic steroids that burns fat in a direct manner; it actually directly enhances lipolysis. Tren, as it is more commonly known also plays a very important role the healing and regeneration process; this hormones ability to repair the cells is nearly ten times the amount of most anabolic steroids and as you understand it is the repairing and healing process that promotes enhancement in-terms of growth and strength as well as in the preservation of tissue when calories are restricted.

    Of all the traits Trenbolone carries and we’re hardly done yet, there is one that may truly stand alone and it is what is known as “Nutrient Efficiency” or “Feed Efficiency.” As you know food is the most anabolic substance any of us will ever take in; in the world of performance enhancement nothing is more important than the food we eat; in general, when speaking of performance, “enhanced” or not food is the most important factor. So a question might be what if you could take the same food you’re eating and make it more valuable? Look at it like this, what if every dollar you had could purchase two dollars’ worth of any product you desire; wouldn’t you want to know how to do this? Well, we can’t speak on actual dollars and cents but we can speak on food. When Trenbolone is present in the body every gram of food you eat becomes more valuable, each nutrient enhances in value and is used in a more efficient manner by the body and closer to its full potential capacity.

    As you can see this hormone carries with it some amazing traits and like most other anabolic androgenic steroids, especially those of a testosterone nature Trenbolone will increase nitrogen retention in the muscles, enhance protein synthesis and increase red blood cell count but to a far greater degree than other anabolic steroids. If all of this were not enough, like TestosteroneTrenbolone also blocks the release and flow of glucocorticoid hormones, the hormones most commonly known as muscle wasting hormones.

    As you may be aware Trenbolone can come in several different forms, most commonly as Trenbolone-Acetate but fairly commonly in the form of Trenbolone-Enanthate as well. At one time what is now known as Tren-Hex was very popular, you may know it by its original name Parabolan but legitimate Parabolan is no longer manufactured. All Tren is the same in that it is all comprised of the same active Trenbolone hormone; however, the ester does play a few important roles but it does not change the direct nature of the hormone. As a small ester base anabolic steroid Trenbolone-Acetate will become active very quickly in the body; a mere few days of use and there will be no question you’re using Tren. Attached to the Acetate ester, one of the smallest esters we will ever use Trenbolone-Acetate has a half-life of approximately 3 days and this is very short, meaning every other day injections of the hormone are necessary and many will choose, although not completely necessary to inject the hormone on a daily basis. Further, as the Acetate ester is so small it takes up very little mass in the compound, meaning a larger portion of the compound will be Trenbolone than compared to other forms. This is true when we compare all large and small ester compounds but there is an interesting note regarding Tren. While we can adjust the dosing of any form to ensure we are getting the exact total amount of Tren we desire from any compound many individuals report not a only a stronger punch from the Acetate form but a smoother one as well.

    There is one more thing that needs to be mentioned; Trenbolone-Acetate carries with it one very distinct advantage over other Tren forms due to its small ester nature. Trenbolone, although very powerful can be very harsh on some users; we will delve into this more when we go over side-effects but if you are an individual who has a hard time with this compound and the side-effects become too much there is good news. As the half-life is so short you can simply discontinue use and all of the hormone will be out of your system in a few short days.

    The Benefits of Trenbolone-Mix:

    The benefits of Trenbolone-Mix can largely be summed up in one word “everything” for this is a steroid that carries with it just about every benefit you would ever desire out of anabolic steroid use. There truly is no hormone that can provide all the benefits of Trenbolone in such a strong and versatile fashion and when we use in conjunction with testosterone there is no stack of equal power.

    So what exactly can you expect? Individuals who supplement with Trenbolone-Acetate can expect massive gains in both strength and size and as this steroid does not aromatize at all any weight gain they garner will be pure lean muscle tissue. Further, because the gains are of such a pure form they will be much easier to hold onto once use is discontinued as compared to many other steroids that do not possess this trait to such a strong degree. This is one of the more common anabolic steroids used in bulking phases or what is commonly known as the off-season in bodybuilding and it is a perfect steroid for this time period but while it is a popular growth anabolic androgenic steroid it will be in the leaning out phase that is perhaps the most popular of all.

    When we diet our desire is not to simply lose body-fat, while this is the principle point of the diet a good diet will do all it can to preserve as much lean tissue as possible. When we diet some muscle tissue loss is going to occur, it is inevitable but our goal is to lose body-fat while minimizing this negative affect. This is where Trenbolone-Acetate can play a very important role as it may very well be the best anabolic steroid for preserving lean tissue while on a calorie restricted diet. Further, as an excellent preserver, as we discussed above Tren is also a pretty decent fat burner so it’s not too hard to see how one could bring forth a very impressive physique when this hormone is present.

    Trenbolone-Mix also carries some traits that will be of particular importance to the competitive bodybuilder as well as the gym rat who simply desires a similar look and it revolves around vascularity and conditioning in-terms of hardness. Thanks in part to the massive ability to increase red blood cell count vascularity can become very pronounced in the individual who is already lean, much more so than without. Further, as it will readily harden a physique more so than most steroids we can safely say this may be the best steroid of all time when it comes to displaying a true hard and grainy like bodybuilding physique. Absolutely, there are other steroids that carry these traits as well but none to the degree of Trenbolone-Mix and even when other steroids are stacked together they will not provide the effect as strongly and pronounced as Tren.

    The Side-Effects of Trenbolone-Mix:

    As you are aware anabolic androgenic steroids carry with them a possibility of adverse side-effects but most are generally unaware of how severe or mild they can be. You hear horror stories in the media of death and destruction, yet you see individuals who have supplemented for half a century and they’re just fine. Let’s be clear, yes, there are side-effects and no, they are nowhere near as severe as often purported and each and every anabolic steroid carries with it its own level of risk. Some steroids are so mild side-effects are almost unheard of and generally these steroids are going to be very mild in nature as well; that’s correct, more powerful anabolic steroids generally carry with them a higher level of probability (pure testosterone being the exception.)

    The Trenbolone hormone can be a little harsher than many other steroids but dosing will play a large part as will individual sensitivity. As Tren does not aromatize we have no need of concern regarding many of the most common steroidal side-effects such as water retention but acne and hair-loss can be as issue as can high blood pressure. As Trenbolone-Mix will not aromatize most assumeGynecomastia will not be a concern but this is improper thinking; in-fact, you can form some horrificgyno with Tren if you’re not careful as this hormone is a progestin in nature and a powerful one at that. If you are sensitive to gyno flair ups with Tren a good aromatase inhibitor will work well here just as it would with Testosterone.

    When we speak of Tren’s possible brutality the above side-effects are not really our concern; in-fact, most who supplement with Trenbolone will be fine regarding the side-effects discussed above. When we speak of individuals simply not being able to take it because it can be too harsh the side-effects we are concerned with are insomnia, night sweats, rapid heart rate, anxiety and a loss of libido when the dose is too high. While some of these may not sound like a big deal you should view them in an amplified manner because if they occur they will do so in a very amplified way. Further, most who supplement with Trenbolone-Acetate will at some point “enjoy” one or more of such effects and for many it can simply be too much to handle. We must also mention, testosterone suppression is very strong with this steroid and it is highly advised that you supplement with exogenous testosterone any time you supplement with Trenbolone-Mix.

    Trenbolone-Mix Purchase:

    When we purchase anabolic androgenic steroids we will always want to purchase those of a human grade quality; after all, if it is human grade it was made in a sterile environment, is dosed properly and everything the bottle list is in there; nothing less and nothing more. Unfortunately human grade Trenbolone-Mix will take you the rest of your life to find as it does not exist. Most will find they have two options; most commonly purchasing from an underground black market label and secondly making their own.

    Black market Tren, yes, there is a lot of counterfeit product which is odd since it doesn’t cost that much to make the real product but more commonly is either under-dosed or dirty Tren. Yes, there are many good underground Trenbolone sources but if you choose this route you need to do your homework, ensure the source is of a quality nature and have a thorough understanding of the law as it pertains to where you live. If it is illegal for you to make such a purchase understand any possible fallout is your own responsibility.

    The second most common option is simply making your own and while not as popular as an underground purchase it is not that uncommon. Trenbolone-Acetate is one of the simpler anabolic steroids to make and Fina pellets can easily be ordered online or even purchased at your local Co-op and made into sterile and injectable Tren. However, sterility is the key and if any bacteria resides in your final solution you may indeed fall prey to an infection.

    Trenbolone-Acetate Cycles & Doses:

    Regardless of the type of cycle or intended purpose most will find 6 weeks of Trenbolone-Acetate use to be the minimal time frame with 8 weeks being far more optimal. You can use it for longer periods but 12 weeks will generally be all the Trenbolone anyone will ever want and should be reserved for more experienced users who understand how their body reacts. The strong majority of Trenbolone users will generally find 100mg every other day to be just about perfect, with150mg every other day being a good dosing for a more advanced athlete and user, especially one looking for more of a bodybuilding type physique. For higher end doses some will choose to go as high as 150mg every single day but most will never need this amount and if they do such an amount is best served towards the end of a bodybuilding contest prep cycle and diet in order to bring in ultimate hardness.

    You will find Trenbolone-Mix stacks well with just about any other anabolic steroid imaginable but if there is anything you should stack it with it is some form of exogenous testosterone; the form of testosterone doesn’t matter, long esters, short esters and mixtures are all absolutely fine. Many individuals may also find Cytomel to be a useful addition to a Trenbolone stack as the hormone will slightly lower natural T-3 levels. No, this addition is by no means an absolute must but it can provide some useful benefits especially while dieting.

    Once your cycle ends and you are entering into you Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) if the cycle ends with Trenbolone-Acetate and all other steroids are of a small ester form you will be able to begin your PCT in a few short days. This gives Trenbolone-Acetate an advantage over Trenbolone-Enanthate, for if the Enanthate version were being used you would need to wait approximately 2 weeks before PCT began. Remember, the sooner we can start our PCT the better off we’ll be, in-terms of gains kept and our overall health.


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Packaging Details

  • Unit Type: piece
  • Package Size: 25cm x 32cm x 5cm (9.84in x 12.60in x 1.97in)
  • Package Weight: 0.56kg (1.23lb.)